Monday, April 20, 2015

48 Hour Fast

I decided to start my fast on this past Friday night at 7 pm and continued until Sunday at 7 pm. I chose this time because I am a huge Spurs fan and their first playoff game was Sunday at 8:30. Right then is when I realized I have a problem. I scheduled my homework assignment around a basketball game...please don't judge me too much. It all started off fine and I didn't really find it too hard on Friday night I just talked with my Fiance and his family no technology needed for that. The first time I really noticed I couldn't use technology was on my drive home when I couldn't use the radio. Then when I got home I went to text my fiance that I was home safe but I couldn't! So that was kind of weird and worried me a little. The next morning I woke up and went to check Facebook but that's a no no too. So I actually sat and talked to my parents. By the time mid afternoon on Saturday rolled around I was really starting to get annoyed with not being able to use any form of technology. However, I held strong and didn't use any technology and went to be optimistic that Sunday would be better because I would be at church. Oh how I was wrong. I went to church (without listening to the radio) and went to a meeting where I actually had to write down my notes on a piece of paper. My next technology snag came when I was in a class and went to look up a scripture but I couldn't so I had to use my actual paper scriptures. I then drove home and waited anxiously for it to be 7. As soon as the clock hit 7 I grabbed my phone and checked social media and then watched the Spurs game.

This was a very interesting assignment for me because I thought I had control over myself and how much I used technology. Turns out I am horrible at it. I planned all of this around when I wanted to watch a basketball game. I did realize that when I was not using technology as much I talked to people more. I was able to communicate with them face to face and hear the inflections in their voices and see their body language when they talked which is something you miss when you text someone. Overall this assignment helped me notice how much I really do depend on technology.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Best Device

For my best device I chose The Mighty Speaker. This speaker can be stuck to different surfaces, is waterproof, dustproof, floats, has blue tooth, and can hold a charge for six hours. I selected this device because as someone who enjoys the water and being outside I feel like I would like this product. We have a pool in our back yard and usually bring our phones out to listen to music the only problem with that is they can overheat and could end up in the water. This product would eliminate the problem.

The reviews online are mostly positive and users liked how long the charge lasted and that it can connect to their computers. They were also impressed with the fact that the speaker would hold it's charge for six hours without being plugged in. One woman took the speaker to play sand volleyball and then took it paddle boarding and she said it worked the whole time. However, many users were dissatisfied with how the speaker would stick to things. Many said that it would only stay stuck to their shower for 15 min this could be cause by the steam from the water.

It costs between $80-$40 and can be found on multiple technology sites.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Research for new app

Group: Julia, Connor, Breanna

App: Geology

Possible names: Southern Utah Geology, Snow Canyon Rock Guide, Rock Finder

There are other applications that exist for parks such as Zion National Park, Grand Canyon National Park, and Arches National Park. However, there are little to none for state parks. There are 43 state parks in Utah alone so the market is large. We would start with a smaller park like Snow Canyon and then expand to other parks over time.

Many of the apps that already exist show hiking guides, and maps. Our application will be able to identify rock formations which the others can not do. It will show users what the rock is and why it was formed the way it was.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Swim Note App

Swim Note is a free application that can be downloaded for your smart phone or tablet. I Googled swimming apps and it was farther down on the list but it seemed to fit my needs.

 Front page when you click on the app. It tracks all of your activities whether they are workouts or swim meets. Pros: shows date and place and is very straightforward. 

Click on the work out and it breaks it down into a pie chart to show you what strokes you actually swam. You manually enter every yard you swim. 

 Statistics tab is located at the bottom of the opening screen. It shows how many yards you have swam broken down into months and weeks it also shows a chart. 

You can choose where you want to swim to anywhere in the world. I choose this one because it showed progress better than the other options. 

Overall it is a good app and was pleased with the app. I liked that it kept track of the total yards that I have swam. I also liked that it broke it down into a pie chart, I know I swim a lot of freestyle but having it actually shown on the chart shows me just how much more. Another fun feature with this app is how you can pretend to swim anywhere you want. It is something I haven't seen on any other swim app. Some flaws are it can be hard to add in all of your set's and the app won't let you scroll down sometimes. I also wish they showed actual percentages. 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Medium is the Message is the Medium

To me this phrase means that there are many different ways we can receive a message. We have texts, phone calls, blog posts, emails, and the list goes on. What medium we choose to send a message is sending a message itself. Because of this it is important that we choose the correct medium when we want to send a message. Unfortunately messages can be misinterpreted so easily now because of the different technologies that are available to us and more are being invented almost hourly. Technology is something that is not going to go away so it is important that we learn what medium to use and how the message will affect that medium.